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From: Lile Elam <elam@art.net>
To: cypherpunks@toad.com
Subject: WebTV Article...
Web browser classified as weapon
New York Times

SAN FRANCISCO -- American couch potatoes have become empowered -- too empowered, in the eyes of the government.
A $300 television-set-top device for browsing the World Wide Web, which Sony and Philips Electronics began selling recently at chains like Sears, Roebuck and Circuit City Stores, uses computer-security technology so powerful that the government is classifying it as a weapon that will require a special export license before it can be sold overseas.
Few industry experts expect such a license to be granted, meaning the companies are unlikely to begin selling current versions of the U.S.-made devices next year in Europe and Japan, as they had planned.
The appliances, designed to let consumers surf the Web and transmit e-mail via a standard television set and phone line, have suddenly become the mostsignificant challenge to the Clinton administration's attempt to restrict the export of powerful data-scrambling devices by categorizing them as ``munitions'' requiring a special export license.
While the set-top boxes are intended to protect the privacy of users and permit secure on-line sales transactions, administration officials fear such technology could be used by foreign terrorists or criminals to conspire with electronic impunity.
`We're the guinea pig,'' said Steve Perlman, chairman and chief executive of Web TV Networks Inc., designer of the units, which are being manufactured in the United States by Sony Electronics and Philips. ``Can you imagine carrying one of our boxes under your arm and getting arrested at theborder?''

NYT-11-07-96 2217EST

Posted: Fri Nov 8 05:05:01 PST 1996

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